Connecting Care
in the Community
Improving community care via assessments and coordinated service

Needs Assessment
Accurate assessment of the needs of clients is the key to Care Coordination’s success

Care Management
An experienced senior health professional with advanced clinical judgement and expertise develops a care plan

Our Approach
Care Coordination emphasizes the central role of General Practice in the health and social well-being of community-dwelling patients. The organization advocates for a strong partnership between primary care and the community sector to implement strategies that include keeping people well, maintaining independence, engaging informal support, and utilizing community-based models of care.
The goal is to enable aging in place by avoiding hospital admissions, shortening hospital stays, and delaying entry into residential care.
Our Values
What we do impacts our clients’ lives so we need special people on our team. That specialness is a combination of attitude, ability, motivation and knowledge. Much of this will come from the staff member themselves but the organisation contributes in the following ways:
- The work we do is meaningful, stimulating and satisfying.
- Like our founder we are fully committed to quality care and the wellbeing of our clients.
- We believe teamwork and cooperation is more effective than individual brilliance and that empowerment is preferable to control.
- We encourage and support personal and professional development through study and research.
- Our leaders know that respect must be earned and reciprocated.
- We are flexible and accommodating in our work arrangements.
- Your skill and productivity will enable us to offer remuneration which compares favourably in the marketplace.

Our Experience
Care Coordination services are a very tangible and accurate expression of this; working collaboratively with clients and their families, other agents and contractual partners, to make sure that we continue to find innovative solutions to challenging situations.

“Our specialty, across all our services, is the development of highly efficient and innovative community care.”

“Our vision is a sector that makes the maximum contribution it can to an Integrated, total health system.”

“Regular client, referrer, and provider satisfaction surveys are conducted across all Care Coordination Centres”