About Us

Our Story
Care Coordination collaborates with clients, families, and partners to find innovative solutions to challenging situations.
Care Coordination is contracted to Te Whatu Ora – Capital, Coast, and Hutt Valley to facilitate access to funded services for people aged over 65 years, to address identified health-related personal care and carer support needs, and support people to remain safely in their own homes in line with the national “Aging in Place” strategy.

We care for and about our clients, our customers and our fellow workers

We will achieve more by working as a team

Those whom we care for and work with deserve our respect as clients or colleagues

Continually looking for improvement will make this a better place to work in and also benefit our community

We will keep our word and act in good faith in our dealings with others

“What we do impacts our clients’ lives so we need special people on our team. That specialness is a combination of attitude, ability, motivation and knowledge.“
Susan Bowden