The Capital and Coast and Hutt Valley services carry out needs assessments for clients aged over 65 or with a chronic health condition and high support requirements.

Capital & Coast Care Coordination Centre
The Capital and Coast Care Coordination Centre (CCCCC) is the largest of the three Care Coordination services and has been contracted to the Capital and Coast Te Whatu Ora since September 2005.
The Centre is contracted to provide a Needs Assessment and Service Coordination (NASC) role for the > 65-year-old population in the Wellington catchment area.
The Clinical Assessors within the service complete approximately 250 interRAI assessments per month in the community and assist CC Te Whatu Ora staff in completing assessments in both of the regional hospitals.
The interRAI assessment is a Ministry of Health-mandated assessment process and every client receiving CC Te Whatu Ora-funded support in the community will participate in an interRAI assessment. CCCCC assessors are assigned geographically to GP practices.
The purpose of the service is to assist individuals with health and disability needs to achieve quality, cost-effective outcomes to enable them to live as independently as possible, optimising time spent at home.
The assessors at the CCCCC can access the whole range of community supports available within the CC Te Whatu Ora area (respite, day care, carer support, etc) and can advise regarding other Non-Government services available. Staff may also advise regarding residential care, particularly about which level of care may be required after all other options have been considered.
The service also provides the NASC function for support under long-term support chronic health conditions funding. This is funding for people aged under 65 years who have a very high level of support need due to a chronic health condition.
Hours of Operation
Mon – Fri 8 am – 5 pm
Phone: 04 238 2020 or 0800 282 200
Mail: PO Box 50544, Porirua 5240
Email: wellington@careco.org.nz
Hutt Valley Service Coordination Centre
The Hutt Valley Service Coordination Centre (HVSCC) has been contracted by the Hutt Valley Te Whatu Ora since 2007.
The Centre is contracted to provide a Needs Assessment and Service Coordination (NASC) role for the > 65-year-old population in the Hutt Valley catchment area.
The service facilitates access to Te Whatu Ora-funded:
Home-based support for over 65-year-olds
Respite care in aged care facilities and the community
Aged residential care
Long-term supports – Chronic health condition (LTS-CHC) support for people under 65 with a chronic health condition and a very high need.
Following receipt of a referral, phone contact is made, and then an assessment may be carried out over the phone, or face to face, using one of the interRAI assessment tools.
HV Te Whatu Ora-funded services to support the government’s “Aging in Place” strategy, and address the health needs identified on the assessment may then be allocated. Access criteria apply for some services.
In addition to allocating Te Whatu Ora-funded support, our Care Managers can point clients and their families to other support services within the community (some of these may be self-funded). To allow our staff to best know the community in which their clients live, they each cover a defined geographical area.
Hours of Operation
Mon – Fri 8 am – 5 pm
Phone: 04 566 2226 or 0800 662 225
Mail: PO Box 30 658, Lower Hutt 5010
Email: hutt@careco.org.nz

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